ABVD Chemotherapy Treatment
The ABVD chemotherapy is treatment which is used for curing Hodgkin Lymphoma. This cancer takes place in body’s lymphatic system. A patient who is undergoing this treatment can acquire all the important information relevant to it from the doctor or nurse who remains present in hospital. A patient can also refer to the nurses who offer services for cancer support for acquiring information related to treatment.
Drugs for Curing ABVD Chemotherapy
The drugs which are utilized for curing ABVD Chemotherapy involve vinblastine, doxorubicin, dacarbazine and bleomycin. The vinblastine is offered to patient through an injection or a drip. Nevertheless dacarbazine and bleomycin are provided to patient through infusions.
Method of Administering AC chemotherapy Treatment on Patient
A patient who undergoes the treatment AVBD chemotherapy can be a patient for a day. Some tests of blood are performed on patient before the start of treatment. The nurse may put a cannula such as thin and flexible tube while beginning the treatment into the vein of hand or arm of patient. There are some patients who get the treatment of chemotherapy by a thin tube of plastic which is put into the layer around the collarbone of patient or under his skin.
The drug which is used in treatment of AC chemotherapy is normally provided to the patient through infusion and injection. The complete process may consume 2 hours. A patient who is cured like a day’s patient can go back home after the treatment. The doctors eliminate the cannula after the completion of treatment. However the doctors provide few anti-sickness medicines to the patient. These medicines assist in curing the rate of side effects. The patient is required to consume anti-sickness medicines as recommended by doctor, although they experience side effects or not.
The Frequency of ABVD treatment
The doctors arrange a suitable regime for treatment of ABVD chemotherapy for his patient. The doctors offer a recommended amount of doxorubicin, bleomycin, dacarbazine and vinblastine to patient on the very first day of healing. This is normally followed by a time period of rest. During this period no treatment will be performed for 2 week. The patient is again offered same drugs after a fortnight. This step is followed after rest of 2 weeks. The period of four weeks for chemotherapy involve a circle of treatment of chemotherapy. The next phase of treatment of chemotherapy of patient begins on 29th day. The whole treatment is provided 2-8 cycles which consumes a time period of 2-8 months.
Side Effects of Treatment of ABVD Chemotherapy
The treatment of ABVD Chemotherapy can cause the reduction in the growth of white blood cells. The other ill effect of the treatment is the increased temperature. This treatment may also result in uncontrolled bruising and bleeding. The treatment may also result in anemia in few patients. The problems of vomiting and nausea can also occur as an ill effect of this treatment. Some more side effects related to this treatment are fatigue, hair loss, mouth ulcers, reaction, changes in skin color and nails, chills and fever, numbness.