COMPLETE Guide For Chemotherapy Effects and It's Treatment

After Chemotherapy

Post Chemotherapy

It has been noticed that loss of hair after chemotherapy is bound to happen. Suppose the treatment continues for a longer time then the chances of loosing the hair are more. In fact hair loss is associated with chemotherapy and one has to accept the situation. The chances of hair loss are less in some cases of chemotherapy. If the treatment is to be taken for a shorter period then steps can be taken so that the hair follicles regain their strength to grow back.

Know about the associated side effects

After chemotherapy is done the first side effect that we see in the patient is loss of hair from the body. The worst affected part of the body is hair. But one should not feel low due to hair loss. Once the chemotherapy has been successfully done and all the cancerous cells destroyed the treatment comes to an end. After the treatment is complete there are possibilities of hair growth. It has been seen many times that the colour and texture of the hair changes after its re-growth.

After chemotherapy the cancerous cells in the body are destroyed with the help of strong medicines. But the drugs that are prescribed for chemotherapy are unable to differentiate between cancer cells and good cells. The good cells are needed to keep our body in working condition and to grow. It is for this reason that during chemotherapy the good cells that are responsible for hair growth get damaged.

Effect on the body’s condition

The nature of the chemotherapy decides the condition of the body after the chemotherapy is performed. The doctors are in a better position to make the patient aware of the type of side effect that one might face. Once the treatment comes to an end there are chances of re-growth of hair. But there are certain things that can be done by a patient before and during the treatment so that the hair loss is less.

Proper intake of food is necessary during and after chemotherapy. This also helps in reducing the side effects to a larger extent. Some result in just lessening of the hair while in some cases hair loss from all over the body. The patients loose their heart when they see that they have lost almost all the hair. This hair loss is really hard on the patients.

The best option is to be ready for any type of side-effect after chemotherapy. Some cancer patients suffer from depression due to hair loss. They feel helpless. Hair loss is a total indication of cancer. It is not easy for a patient to deal with cancer and that too when it is associated with hair loss. One should be courageous enough to deal with cancer and its side effects.