COMPLETE Guide For Chemotherapy Effects and It's Treatment

AIM Chemotherapy

Cancer as you all know is the unchecked growth of cell in the body which can damage the major organs of your body especially the lungs, stomach, liver, digestive organs etc. There are two types of cancer i.e. one that is malignant and the other being benign.

Chemotherapy as you know is an anti-cancer mode of treatment to treat various kinds of cancer. Chemotherapy is an anti-cancerous drug which helps to slow down the growth of these cells or helps destroy the growth of these cancerous cells in the body.

What is AIM chemotherapy?

AIM chemotherapy is a mode of treatment to treat cancers affecting the soft tissue sarcomas (STSs). Here a combination of three drugs is used to treat the patient. The drugs used here are ifosfamide, doxorubicin and mesna.

This kind of cancer is commonly found in the extremities, and mortality due to sarcoma extremities is second to metastasis. Chemotherapy has been found to be very effective in treating STSs especially in children suffering from Ewing sarcoma and rhabdomyo sarcoma. Though there are controversies surrounding this mode of treatment especially when it comes to treating other primary types of sarcoma. Though experiments have been conducted to treat primary sarcoma and experiments are still carried out to treat heterogeneous tumours’ of different kinds and sizes. The end results have not always been very encouraging. Though the data has been inconsistent adjuvant as well as neo-adjuvant chemotherapy has always been the mode of AIM mode of treatment to treat patients suffering from primary extremity STSs.

It has been noticed that AIM chemotherapy when administered as neo-adjuvant chemotherapy has shown improvement in the survival and there has also been a remarkable improvement is the decrease in the size of the tumours by more than 10cms. The average life span of a person suffering from tumours of the size 10cms and more is around 3 years.

As in all cases of cancers the patient undergoing chemotherapy have shown good response and this stands true for AIM chemotherapy patients but then there are side effects that these people too have to bare with. Some of the side effects that are associated with AIM chemotherapy are thrombocytopenia, neutropenia and even anaemia. These side effects can sometimes be fatal and the decision of going in for neo adjuvant chemotherapy along with AIM chemotherapy should be taken only after considering the all the side effects as the drugs used here are known to have dangerous side effects.

Though AIM chemotherapy which is given as neo adjuvant chemotherapy has shown better chances of survival you need to study the effects of both neo-adjuvant as well as adjuvant chemotherapy if you are suffering from high grade extremity sarcomas.

Though most of the patients have responded well to AIM chemotherapy there are some who have not responded, but then as research is still going on to find better options to increase the rate of response and help increase the chances of survival for these patients suffering from high grade extremity sarcoma.