Ala-Cort ®
Hydrocortisone or Hydrocortone Phosphate etc are the names that are often referred to Ala-Cort. Ala-Cort comes under the classification of glucocorticosteroid.
Usefulness of Ala-Cort
An anti-inflammatory medicine it is used to relieve pain and inflammation in different parts of the body. Also used as a preventive measures for allergic reactions. Furthermore it is used to treat cancers like leukemia, multiple myeloma and lymphoma. Apart from this it is used to treat vomiting and nausea tic feelings due to chemotherapy, helps stimulate appetite in patients suffering from cancer as there is loss of appetite in cancer patients.
Some lotions contain this drug and it is used to treat skin allergies and skin reactions and helps relieve itching, swelling and redness of the skin. Used as steroid replacement in certain adrenal insufficiency where the adrenal glands are not functioning properly.
How is this drug administered?
This comes in a pill form of 5mg, 10mg and 20mg tablets. This medication is to be taken on a daily bases and if forgotten then need to be taken immediately when realized. This should not be taken on empty stomach. It can be given through injections directly into the muscle. Hydrocortisone eye ointments or hydrocortisone eye drops are administered to prevent eye inflammation.
Hydrocortisone comes in both cream and lotion form and is used for the treatment of skin diseases. The dosage of this medication depends upon your height, weight, your health and apart from that the physical ailments that you are currently facing.
Side effects
Though there are certain side effects which need immediate attention like you have persistent temperature with chills, irregular heartbeats, pain in the chest or jaw etc.
Apart from the above mentioned side effects if you feel extreme fatigue, there is unusual bleeding, passing blood in the stool or urine, vomiting, nausea, hot flashes, insomnia, enlarged pupils, rashes etc you need to consult your doctor.
Certain precautionary methods
Before you start off on hydrocortisone you need to inform your doctor about all the medications you are currently on, consult your doctor before getting any immunization, vaccination. Do not stop the hydrocortisone medication without consulting your doctor. Getting pregnant while on hydrocortisone can be harmful to the fetus; breast feeding the baby should also be avoided.
Certain self help tips
This medication tends to lower your immunity so you are prone to infection therefore it is necessary to maintain a good hygiene. Use of eye ointments or eye drops may make you sensitive to sunlight so use suitable and protective gear for your eyes. Avoid applying hydrocortisone lotions on open areas as it could seep into the sores; avoid using these lotions for a long period of time. Take the medication at fixed time, increase water intake, and get your blood tests regularly as this will enable the doctor to monitor the proper functioning of your internal organs.
How does this drug work?
Corticosteroids as you know are naturally produced in the adrenal glands in the human body. They help in the proper functioning of the major body organs like the heart, lungs etc. The drug helps decrease the inflammation thus helping the white blood cells to fight against infections. It also helps decrease the size of the tumor in the brain, spine or bone as it helps shrink the size of the tumor.