COMPLETE Guide For Chemotherapy Effects and It's Treatment

ARC Chemotherapy

Cancer as you know is the uncontrolled growth of cells in any part of the body thus leading to damage of the main body organs like the stomach, lungs, heart, intestine etc. There are around hundred types of cancer. Cancer affects all age group; there are certain kinds of cancer that are malignant whilARC Chemotherapye there are those that are benign.

If detected early the chances of survival of the cancer patient is high, though today advanced technology has helped these cancer patients to survive even when cancer has been detected later on, depending upon the type of cancer and the stage the patient has to undergo side effects due to chemotherapy.

Medically speaking chemotherapy is a mode of treating cancer patients. There are various drugs that are brought into use either to stop the growth of the cancerous cells completely or to slow down the growth process of these cells. ARC chemotherapy is used to destroy different kinds of cancers.

One of the oldest modes of treating cancer is the ARC chemotherapy and in this mode of treatment Ara-c a colourless clear liquid drug is used. ARC chemotherapy is basically used to treat all kinds of cancer and most commonly it is used to treat leukaemia and this can further be divided into chronic myeloid leukaemia, acute myeloid leukaemia and acute lymphoid leukaemia etc.

The other name that can be given to this anti-cancer drug is cytotoxic chemotherapy drug and belonging to the category of antimetabolites. The main function of this drug is that it attacks the affected cells at a particular phase in the cell cycle. Antimetabolites are almost similar to the substances found in the cell.

ARC chemotherapy too is given in cycles and the person need not get hospitalized as the mode of treatment depends entirely on the kind of cancer and stage of cancer. Here the treatment is on daily basis ie the patient is subjected to treatment for 5 to 7 days and chemotherapy is administered intravenously. Those suffering from lymphomas and leukaemia chemotherapy are administered into the spinal fluid of the spinal cord.

ARC chemotherapy is known to stop the growth of the cancerous cells and as in all types of cancer here to the chemotherapy destroys those normal cells surrounding the cancerous cells. The side effects due to chemotherapy varies from patient to patient, some suffer from few side effects while some suffer more. Side effects depend upon the dosage of chemotherapy treatment.

Though the side effects are common in almost all the types of chemotherapy you still need to know the side effects that are associated with this mode of treatment and they are vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhoea, drop in the white blood cell count, bleeding, hair loss, lack of resistance power thus easily prone to infections, low platelet count, anaemia etc. The side effects are known to disappear once the chemotherapy treatment is over, but then ignoring the side effects is not advisable and you need to consult your doctor as it has been noticed that a high dose of this treatment i.e. ARC chemotherapy has lead to brain damage which in turn has shown the reasons for the imbalance to perform any basic bodily movements too.