BEP Chemotherapy
Cancer is a deadly health problem. It gives lots of stress and makes a person’s life hell. It can even lead to death. Millions of people all over the world have cancer. Some people recover, some of them do not. Some people have to face very critical health condition and some people really find it hard too overcome the tension as associated with this problem. Have you ever heard of BEP chemotherapy? Treatment of ovarian cancer BEP Chemotherapy is a good remedy for ovarian cancer or testicular cancer.
Ovarian cancer or testicular cancer can be treated successfully by BEP chemotherapy. Etoposide, cisplatin and bleomycin are the drugs that help in treatment of cancer. But first the person must be diagnosed with blood test or cancer. Only then the person will be administered with strong chemotherapy drugs. In the initial stages of BEP chemotherapy treatment the drugs as mentioned above have to be infused using a thin tube which is elastic in nature. It is the duty of the doctor to tell the patient everything about chemotherapy. This will give him apt guidance about the duration of the treatment and thus the anxiety of the patient and the insecurities thereof can be cleared.
It is important to note that BEP chemotherapy is not a painful treatment. But there are a few people who complain about sickness and weakness. Thus many doctors who are aware of this issue will come up with some anti sickness drugs and administer them just before chemotherapy treatment. But chemotherapy has the nature to make the person’s body dehydrated. And under such circumstances, the patient facing chemotherapy must be given ample of fluids just before chemotherapy. This will prevent the kidneys from getting damaged. This treatment can be divided into various stages. And just with completion of each such stage the other stage can be started conveniently. There is no need to interrupt the therapy in between. Then after administering all the drugs at regular intervals and according to the prescribed dose there is one week time post which the patient is given repose time.
But with all the available benefits you must also be aware of the few side effects. These side effects may be dangerous and chronic. But it is important to note that different people display different set of effects. And thus the side effects as experienced between different people need not be identical. Even the intensity and levels are different. The problem that fatigue and weakness is experienced is mainly due to the white blood cells count falling. This will affect the system and make the immune system very weak. Anemia, weight loss, loss of hair, appetite loss, sores and ulcers in the mouth etc are some of the effects as experienced by the patients. But in spite of such side effects the patients must take a step forward to get treatment from this form of chemotherapy as it is quite effective in nature. You must weigh the risks and benefits and then take the ultimate decision.