COMPLETE Guide For Chemotherapy Effects and It's Treatment

Cancer and Chemotherapy

These are terms which are articulated simultaneously. The first one is obviously a lethal disease and the second one is certainly one of the best therapies prevailing in the modern medical arena. The therapy has become so effective in reducing the pains of Cancer that it has become immensely popular among the patients and now it is also known as “chemo” as an abbreviation of the full form. It was Paul Ehrlich who first used this term chemotherapy.

Slaying the harmful tumor cells or microbes, that are the main causes of cancer, by applying a chemical is known as Chemotherapy. Medical practitioners generally apply chemotherapeutic drugs into the muscles or into a vein to treat a problem related to cancer. Sometimes some drugs can be taken directly by swallowing it. Cancer and Chemotherapy are closely interlinked with each other and that is why most of the cancer affected patients favor this therapy to bring down the pain. In this therapy the drugs are mingled with the bloodstream so that the drugs can reach every parts of the body that are affected by this disease.

Those who are badly affected by this disease may frequently need chemotherapeutic drugs into their veins to restrain the acute feeling of pain. In this case the drugs are transmitted into the veins through a pliable tube which is medical term is known as a “Catheter”. The application of this catheter facilitates the intrusion of the anticancer drugs into the body of a cancer affected person. A proper knowledge about the cancer and chemotherapy can help a curious person to quench his thirst for knowledge. Usually cells develop and die in a normal way
but the scenario changes when cells begin to expand enormously without any restrain. In this particular stage, the neighboring cells become affected by this influence and at this juncture of time chemotherapy can be used to restrain this complex condition.

They are interconnected

Cancer and chemotherapy is an inseparable term because a cancer patient has to be treated by chemotherapy to get the best possible treatment. This therapy has been maneuvered in a cyclic process. Every treatment is preceded by a short gap which is known as recovery period and then again a treatment period proceeds. This does not require a long time that has to be spent in hospital. But the treatment may vary depending upon the health condition of a patient. The therapy has become so effective in reducing the pains of Cancer that it has become immensely popular among the patients and now it is also known as “chemo” as an abbreviation of the full form. It was Paul Ehrlich who first used this term chemotherapy.

Blood cells can be affected directly. Bleeding can happen in regular basis and a patient can be affected by a small injury that can generate a serious infection. Vomiting, loss of appetite and thin hair are some common side effects of this therapy. But these side effects generally alleviate in the recovery period. Loss of fertility is another grave side effect of chemotherapy and this may become a transitory or a permanent problem depending upon the problem.