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Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology

The pharmacology and cancer chemotherapy are a medium of publication that handles several pharmacologic and oncologic concerns. This channel publishes the issues both at experimental and experimental level. However this channel concentrates mainly on latest anti-cancer agents. It also handles the pharmacology, preclinical toxicology and screening of agents. This publication publishes the outcomes of single and missed uses of the cancer drugs and also the tests and trials of different clinical phases such as phase 1 phase 2 and phase 3. This channel is of great relevance to pharmacologists and oncologists.

The Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology is normally published by the name of Springer-Online first publication. The publication gives the date of publication, the page number and the line of citation to the articles before publishing them. The authors can do online submission of the manuscript with assistance of Manuscript Central. The authors submit the article on homepage by logging on the homepage of the website of the online journal. In additional to this, the authors can use by logging into the website directly. However, the writers should follow the instructions of the website that are on shown on the screen of computer.

The authors are required to make an account on the Central Manuscript site, the website for Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology after entering in it. However, the authors who already possess an account can make use of it to go through the websites. This facility can help them in checking the position of manuscripts. However, the author may not be very sure about his account or can also forget the password. In this situation, the author can type his email address in the field which is titled as “Password Help”. This area is located on the right hand side of home page. An author or writer has to follow the instructions that are displayed on the screen of computer.

An author who submits his manuscript on Manuscript Central Site, the portal for Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology must be very mindful regarding the language of manuscript. The manuscript should be dictated in English. The publication entertains only those results which are latest and have never been published before. The results of anything related to cancer should be written in short form. The famous facts should be mentioned briefly. The citations of literature should e used in write-up. The conceptual keywords should be available before each manuscript. The citations provided in the manuscript should be within brackets and in numbers. The references should be given in alphabetical order. Besides this, the written material should contain the names and the quantity of drugs.

The site for Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology also offers one more option for publication along with its simple method of publication and that is Springer Open Choice. The articles acquire all the benefits of simple publication. These articles remain available for everyone on the online portal of Springer. Thus you may take help of all these and may get all the required benefits that will help you in dealing with situation.