CEF Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy is a mode of treatment to treat all kinds of cancer, the drugs or chemicals used to treat the cancer are known to destroy the cancerous cells and prevent the rapid growth of these cells. CEF chemotherapy is a combination of drugs that is used in the treatment of breast cancer. Here a combination of three drugs is used and they include cyclophosphamide, epirubicin and fluorouracil. This combination is also termed as FEC. This combination of drugs has proved to be effective in treating breast cancer.
CEF chemotherapy again is administered in cycles giving time for the patient to recover. Here a minimum of six cycles is recommended and each cycle takes about a month to complete and here Epirubicin as well as Fluorouracil are administered in the vein i.e. intravenously on the first day of the treatment as well as on the 8th day of every cycle. Cyclophosphamide is administered orally as this comes in tablet form from the 1st day to the 14th day of each cycle.
Blood tests are carried out before the start of every cycle in order to check the blood count to find out if the body is ready for another cycle of treatment. The use of antibiotics is also common to rule out the chances of infection as chemotherapy reduces the susceptibility to fight against diseases. There is a 15days rest period after the completion of each cycle.
Epirubicin is known to damage the tissues surrounding the tissues in case the drug leaks out while being injected into the vein, this drug is also known to cause breathlessness, swelling of the legs as well as fatigue. In rare cases it is known to effect the functioning of the heart.
Fluorouracil is sensitive to sunlight and the use of sunscreen with UVB and UVA protection is necessary and wearing clothes that cover you completely is also recommended.
Cyclophosphamide on the other hand is known to cause bladder irritation. To prevent irritation you always need to take these pills in the morning and have plenty of fluids so as to empty the bladder often, in case of burning or pain while urinating, or for that matter if you start passing blood in your urine you need to consult your doctor immediately.
The use of CEF chemotherapy has shown some unpleasant side effects like the loss of complete hairs including the eyelashes and eyebrows, with the increase of being susceptible to infections. The use of CEF chemotherapy has also resulted in women developing blood cancer or leukaemia though the chances are rare but then it cannot be ruled out. There is a marked irregularity in your monthly menstrual cycle with the flow being either to heavy or too light and sometimes it has also stopped the cycle completely. The chances of conceiving are highly reduced as this mode of treatment is known to affect the reproductive organs. You need to know all about the CEF chemotherapy along with the side effects associated with this before you decide to go in for this mode of treatment.