Chemotherapy and Memory Loss
Studies on chemotherapy
There have been many studies regarding our ability to remember and retain information. These studies have been critical when it comes to the problem of “Chemo Brain”. “Chemo Brain” is a condition that many cancer patients get during their chemotherapy treatments. It includes memory loss, a foggy feeling in the brain, the inability to multitask and others like this.
If you are about to undergo chemotherapy there are things that you can doto help your brain stay sharp and combat some of these symptoms. Start by keeping and sticking to a daily planner. Make sure everything you use on a daily basis is in the same spot all the time. Use “to do” list and stick to them. Keep a book or file on important dates like birthdays and anniversaries.
Exercise importance
Exercising your brain is important before, during and after your treatment. Read books, do cross word puzzles, learn a new language, or take a class in something you are interested in.
Making sure you get enough sleep and physical exercise is also very important. Exercise is great for your body, but it also helps keep your mind sharp and clear as well as decreasing fatigue. Diet is important as well. It has been proven that vegetables help keep your brain working properly and they are great for your body as well.
Choose a daily schedule and stick to it. If you lose things regularly, choose a place that all lost things are put and put them there all the time. Don’t try to do different tasks at the same time. Do one thing, then finish it and start another. Write down when you forget things or lose something. Make a list of your medicines and when you need to take them. If you are going to get some of the symptoms of “Chemo Brain” these steps will help you feel more in control and
help you get through your days.
Family and friends support
Tell your friends and family as well as your doctor of your memory problems. You notice them more than they do so they all need to be aware of what you are going through. And don’t feel silly or stupid, you are having a reaction to your treatment and it will pass. Your friends and family will understand what you are going through better and will be able to help you with your issues.
Most hospitals and cancer treatment centers have all of the help you need including psychologists, neurologists, and psycho neurologists who are able to test brain function and help you with the symptoms.
“Chemo Brain” and its causes are still unknown. There is a correlation between high doses of chemotherapy and “Chemo Brain” but if you need high doses of chemotherapy then you need it. Most cases go away when the chemotherapy stops and there are medicines that may help in some of the effects of “Chemo Brain”.
You just need to stay positive and understand this is a part of the process to getting you better.