COMPLETE Guide For Chemotherapy Effects and It's Treatment

Chemotherapy Fatigue

Common complaint of people undergoing chemotherapy is fatigue. Chemotherapy is basically a mode of treatment to treat all kinds of cancers. The side effects that is associated with chemotherapy includes vomiting, loss of appetite, nausea, fatigue, memory loss, hair loss etc. Fatigue is a common side effect as this leaves the patient feeling weak, lethargic and tired. The reason for fatigue may be due to the eating habits, change in the sleeping pattern etc.

The other reasons for feeling fatigue can be due to the following reasons like:

During chemotherapy the red blood cell count comes down thus anaemia can be one of the reasons. Other than chemotherapy you are undergoing any other treatment like radiation that there is also the chance of feeling fatigue.

Due to loss of appetite the body becomes weak thus leading to fatigue. Stress, tension and depression regarding the success of the treatment, side effects etc can also lead to fatigue. Age factor also plays an important role as the energy level is less as you grow old.

Due to the overall health of the body some people continue working in spite of undergoing chemotherapy treatment while some are unable to work out but then all patients undergoing chemotherapy do undergo fatigue.

Taking care of the body before as well as during chemotherapy will go a long way in helping you fight against fatigue. All you need to do is to bring about a few changes in your daily routine so that this problem of fatigue can be easily taken care off.

Take short breaks wherein you can have time to take a small nap in between your work and for this you need to plan your entire days schedule in advance.

Yoga, exercises, short walks, meditation etc can help you increase the energy level in the body. You can also consult your doctor to help you out as he or she can recommend you as to which exercise will be beneficial in improving your stamina.

Following a healthy diet and taking plenty of fluids, limiting your intake of alcohol etc will also help you. Family members support is important like doing the heavy work of cleaning the house, emptying the trash etc can be done by them thus helping you save up your energy.

Joining support groups also helps as you can share your feeling, fears and experiences with them thus making you feel mentally relaxed thus helping you overcome your fatigue.

You also need to find out other reasons for fatigue thus you will be in a better position to battle fatigue. It also becomes necessary to get your blood tested so as to find if you are anaemic or suffering from thyroid disorder than proper treatment can be taken.

Finding activities by which you can increase your energy level will also help you overcome fatigue; planning you day to day activities will also help you overcome unwanted stress and finally consult your doctor in case the problem persists and you are unable to do any work.