COMPLETE Guide For Chemotherapy Effects and It's Treatment

Chemotherapy For Cancer

Some people may object that if the cancer cells have become resistant to high doses of chemotherapy, how will the low doses of chemo or chemo-combinations will affect the same chemo-resistant cancer cells? The answer is not very simple, but it is sufficiently justified. The actual process of sequential low doses of chemotherapy is not meant to affect the cancer cells by themselves, rather it is meant to attack on the capillaries that directly nourish the cancer cells or tumours. Slowly but certainly, chemo or chemo combinations start killing or destructing these capillaries on which the life and growth of these tumours or cancer cells depend. As these capillaries start suffering depletion, cancer cells or tumours start suffering weakness. In such situation, they may also get affected with chemo or chemo combinations. Thus, sequential low doses of chemotherapy acts in two ways, it reduces the capillaries which strengthen the cancer cells and then it gradually starts killing the cancer cells directly and many cancer cells or tumour parts suffers because of weak capillaries. Applying sequential low doses chemotherapy is a completely new approach of using chemotherapy to reduce and remove dangers from cancer cells and tumours.

Sometimes due to chemotherapy treatment there will be fall in the white blood cells which can be fatal. And therefore there are chances that there might be some chances of infection. Sometimes it may also happen that with this treatment there is rise in temperature. And there might be rise in temperature and if it is above 38ºC (100.4ºF) then you must contact the doctor.

Sometimes, this can also lead to bleeding and cuts on the skin. There might be bleeding in the gums and also spots and rashes on the body. Soemtimes this treatment can also lead to nausea, vomits and sickness. And when this happens you must tell your physician.

Some people also experience loss of appetite, change in kidney function, chances in urinary track infections, skin changes and lot more. You may take advice of your dietician so as to find out the ways with which you can boost your appetite.

Sometimes gemcitabine can also lead to changes in skin and can create flu like symptoms. The patient may also feel flu like symptoms and water retention. There might be weakness and tiredness.

There are also problems like changes in taste. And mostly, this is the reason which leads to loss of appetite. There may be problems like mouth ulcers, breathing problems, back pain and so on. There may be symptoms of diarrhea and constipation in some patients. And there is lot of hair loss. Gemcitabine can also lead to risk of having blood clots and drowsiness. There are so many medications which are quite harmful when they are taken during the chemotherapy sessions. And therefore it is vital that when you have some other health problem you must take medication for that only when you have talked to your doctor. This will help you in dealing with cancer related health problems.