Chemotherapy for Dogs
There are many veterinary doctors who are doing some researches in the field of cancer among the canines and other animals. Only a few years before researches in this field were very limited. Today with the development of new drugs and surgical methods a revolution has come in the field of cancer observation among the canines. Tumors are surgically removed and radiation therapy is given to the dogs. Chemotherapy for dogs can help the pet owner to
help its pets fight effectively from this fatal disease.
Chemotherapy for dogs is a common treatment
Very recently a new vaccine against cancer has been developed which is a great boon for the canine and its owner. Cancer is a dreadful disease. Not much research has been done in the field of cancer among the canines. There are various pet owners who have themselves in dreadful situation when they realized that their pets are suffering from the dreadful disease cancer. The type of cancer that is similar between the dog and the human is the cancer of the skin. It is commonly known as the Melanomas cancer.
Melanomas are a dreadful type of cancer
Chemotherapy for dogs helps the owner to fight for his pet’s life, which is at stake due to this dreadful disease. Dogs and human both share the similar type of cancer. Apart from the skin cancer the canines also develop an oral cancer, which is also extremely dangerous. This particular cancer among the canines is known as Canine Malignant Melanoma. There are various animal welfare centers that along with various other organizations have adopted some methods to help cure the dogs that have been affected by the cancer. These organizations are doing their best to help the dogs and their owners.
Various remarkable researches have been done and it indicates the development of a cancer vaccine in the very near future. Till then Chemotherapy for dogs is a must for any dog which is a cancer victim. It is hoped that the vaccine will come forward with a marvelous result. It might prove to be a breakthrough in the field of cancer among the canines. Funds are being allocated so that more researches can be done on the said field. Dog owners are ready to go to any length to cure their pets of cancer. They try to give as much relief as possible to their pets.
Chemotherapy is also administered to the canines
It means a type of treatment that is given to a cancer patient. Some chemical substances are injected in the patient and it helps in killing the cancer cells. But apart from killing the cancer cells it also kills the cells that are in a healthy condition. This tends to aggravate the situation.
To treat cancer among the canines new drugs are being developed and more advanced form of chemotherapy for dogs is being administered. These new drugs are made in such a way that they are helpful in killing only the cancer cells. The new drugs are less deadly towards the healthy cells. As veterinary oncologist is trained to cure cancer affected animals it would be better that a canine suffering from cancer should be consulted by a veterinary oncologist.