Chemotherapy for Metastatic Breast Cancer
Chemotherapy is a mode to treat all kinds of cancer that includes metastatic breast cancer too. The drugs or chemicals used in chemotherapy are known to destroy the cancerous cells in the body or slow down the growth of these cancer cells in the body. They are also known to prevent the spread of these cancer cells to other parts of the body like in the case of metastatic breast cancer.
In this kind of breast cancer the cancerous cells are known to spread to other parts of the body like the lungs, bones and even the liver. This type of cancer which is known to spread to other parts of the body via blood stream or lymphatic system is referred to as secondary cancer.
The secondary locations for metastatic cancer are the lungs, liver and the brains and even the bones are affected by it. The symptoms that are associated with metastatic cancer are formation of lumps in the breast and chest wall, pain in the bones and falling short of breath is also associated with this kind of cancer. To avoid metastatic cancer all you need to do is take care of your health. To prevent this cancer to spread further the only way out is to get a routine check-up regularly.
Chemotherapy is the best solution out for any kind of cancer as this mode of treatment is known to destroy all kinds of cancer including those places where they have spread. Various drugs are used to treat metastatic breast cancer and the drug that is used here circulates all through the body by the help of blood stream and helps destroy the cancerous cells in the body. Drugs like cytotoxic helps to destroy these cancerous cells. There are other chemotherapy drugs too that are used to treat metastatic breast cancer, the application of the drugs vary as these drugs are used in combination and are circulated throughout the body via the circulatory system i.e. the blood stream. Administration of these drugs depends upon the stage of cancer and to minimize the side effects.
The mode of treatment also differs from person to person and upon the size of the tumour and the most important being the spread of the cancer cells in the body. Drugs that are used to treat metastatic breast cancer are Adriamycin, capecitabine and taxane. Another drugs used effectively to treat this kind of cancer is Ixempra which is used when all other drugs prove ineffective to control this cancer.
The side effects that are associated with any type of cancer is same in this case too as these drugs not only destroy the cancerous cells but also the normal healthy cells that surround these cancerous cells. Side effects which are easily noticeable in chemotherapy are fatigue, nausea, hair loss, easily susceptible to diseases etc. These side effects disappear after the completion of treatment.
The biggest disadvantage of metastatic breast cancer is that it is not curable, but then chemotherapy does help extend the life span of the person suffering as well as delays the progression or recurrence of cancer.