COMPLETE Guide For Chemotherapy Effects and It's Treatment

Chemotherapy Guidelines

Chemotherapy is an anti-cancer mode of treatment to eradicate cancer. Chemotherapy is known to destroy the rapid growing cancer cells in the body but sometimes it also slows down the growth of these cancerous cells. Along with stopping the growth of these cancerous cells there are some side effects that are associated with chemotherapy and they are vomiting, memory loss, nausea, hair loss, loss of appetite etc.

There are certain guidelines that you need to follow before you start your treatment. You need to get a thorough insight about the entire process of chemotherapy, the drugs that will be administered, the effectiveness of these drugs, the rate of success, the mode of treatment and other possible options where treatment is concerned.

The one thing that you need to understand that the drugs used in this mode of treatment are toxic by nature so side effects are bound to be there and along with it there are also risks which you need to understand fully. Before undergoing chemotherapy you also need to find alternative medicines so as to minimize the effects of these chemotherapy drugs in order to support your body’s immune system.

Though most of the side effects that are associated with chemotherapy are temporary and disappear after the completion of the treatment cycle, there are some that leave a permanent damage to the body. You need to know about these side effects too so as to take proper precautions before undergoing treatment for e.g., chemotherapy can cause a permanent damage to your reproductive organs so you need to find options like freezing the sperms or harvesting the eggs for future use etc.

Before undergoing chemotherapy you need to get the body fully equipped for the onslaught of this treatment by taking care of your diet and taking additional mineral and vitamin supplements before and after the treatment. Avoiding saturated and other types of spicy food will also go a long way to help you recover faster with fewer side effects.

Consult a holistic practitioner before starting chemotherapy as this will help you to retain the mental peace and prevent you from going into depression etc.

Drinking lots of fluids especially water will help you remove the toxic waste from the body without hampering the proper functioning of the kidneys. Taking anti-sickness medicines will prevent vomiting; avoiding alcohol will also help you.

Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables also helps as they contain multi-vitamins and mineral supplements which protect the white blood cells to fight against infections.

Walking and other forms of exercises also help as this will benefit you. Yoga, Tai chi and meditation along with deep breathing exercises are highly recommended to help you out when you are undergoing chemotherapy.

The necessity of detoxification of the body’s system is important after the chemotherapy treatment for a couple of days so as to cleanse the body from the toxic wastes so as to minimize the side effects of chemotherapy treatment as you will have to undergo the treatment after a rest period of a few weeks.

Light massage, healing, reflexology etc is advised during chemotherapy as this will help relieve the tension as well as stimulate the mind and body.