Chemotherapy Liver
One of the most dangerous and hard to detect types of cancer is that of the liver. In this type of cancer the cancer is detected at the fourth stage or when it has reached the metastatic stage. In this type of cancer the detection is difficult as there are no particular signs and symptoms, though science has made a lot of progress thus having made it possible to lengthen the life span of a person suffering from liver cancer yet detecting this cancer in its initial stage is still very difficult. In this mode of treatment a set of more than two drugs is used when undergoing treatment.
Certain important instructions while undergoing chemotherapy mode of treatment for liver cancer :
Before undergoing chemotherapy you need to get yourself completely insured along with using the best chemotherapy drugs for the treatment. Avastin a chemotherapy drug has shown its potentiality to increase not only your chances of survival but has also shown its potentiality in helping lead a quality life. Avastin is known to help shrink the tumor so that it can be easily removed later on. Avastin has also shown its usefulness in treating metastatic cancer of the colon.
Seek complete medical help and find out which is the best treatment cycle which will help increase your chances of survival. In this type of cancer chemotherapy mode of treatment is followed by surgery after the tumor has shrunk. In some cases if the tumor has not fully grown then surgery precedes chemotherapy. This surgery before chemotherapy is performed in very rare cases when the tumor has not grown fully.
You also need to do an inventory about the chemotherapy drugs and the side effects of these chemo-drugs. There has been a remarkable loss of appetite in those who have been diagnosed with cancer of the liver and the loss of appetite is more so after chemotherapy. There are certain medications that help minimize the effects of these chemotherapy drugs and help you overcome your loss of appetite as well as anti-nausea drugs to prevent the feeling of nausea and vomiting.
Marinol is one of the most often drug that is administered to cancer patients to improve the appetite. Taking up certain light exercises, yoga and swimming are all known to not only help relax your mind and body but also help increase your stamina and appetite thus creating a positive attitude.
Liver cancer patients most of the time lead a normal life style provided this cancer has been detected before it reaches the metastatic stage. Primary liver cancer can be treated using oral medications which come in the form of tablets or through intravenously. Chemotherapy mode of treatment has not given positive results when administered at the initial stages of detection.
Children suffer from a rare liver cancer hepatoblastoma. In this type of cancer the chemotherapy drug is administered into the tumor directly. This mode of treatment is called as chemo-embolization. This is a combination mode of treatment wherein surgery is followed by radio-frequency ablation or in other words chemotherapy.