Chemotherapy Side Effects Relief
Chemotherapy is a treatment cycle used to treat various types of cancers. Here the use of single drug chemotherapy is used or a combination of two or more drugs is used to treat cancers. The side effects of chemotherapy are many some are temporary which are seen at the beginning of the treatment cycle and last till the completion of the treatment cycle, while there are certain more long lasting and permanent side effects which are known to hamper with the functioning of the vital organs in your body.
Chemotherapy drugs are known to destroy the rapid growth of these cancerous cells in the body and in this process the healthy cells are also damaged. The most easily damageable cells in the body are the cells of the hair follicle, bone marrow, digestive tract as well as the reproductive organs.
The most common side effects that are temporary and almost all patients who undergo chemotherapy are nausea, fatigue, vomiting, loss of hair, loss of appetite, infection, mouth sores, anemia, constipation, diarrhea etc. These side effects are seen at the start of the treatment cycle and can be seen till the completion of the treatment.
There are certain drugs which help to minimize the side effects like there are certain anti-nausea drugs, pain killers etc. which have proved to be effective. As a patient you need to take certain precautions and avoid certain types of food-stuffs, drinks, medications etc. while undergoing chemotherapy thus helping minimize the side effects.
The vital organs like the reproductive organs, kidney, lungs, heart, nervous system, the urinary tract etc. are easily affected and this is because the drugs that are used in chemotherapy are highly toxic chemicals which are known to damage these vital body organs. It has also been proved that these vital organs are susceptible to permanent damage even after the completion of the treatment cycle.
Patients are guided and told to follow a well-balanced nutritional diet as this will help lessen the side effects caused by these chemotherapy drugs.
Certain self-help care tips
The patient needs to increase the intake of fluids, increase in the consumption of citrus fruits, dark green leafy vegetables, yellow colored vegetables and fruits etc. helps you to get the daily dosage of Vitamin A, C and the required quantity of beta carotene.
High fiber foods like whole grain bread, cereals help the smooth functioning of the colon; avoid eating foods that are high in fats and carbohydrates, foods which are high on pesticide contents and other pollutants. A healthy and systematic hygiene should be followed which includes the proper washing of all the food-stuffs, grains, vegetables, fruits etc. before consuming them. Apart from this they should also follow a good personal hygiene and avoid crowded places as the immune system in low and they are prone to infections.
Patients need to have smaller meals at regular interval, avoid foods that will provoke the feeling of nausea and vomiting and make it a habit to consume foods that are maintained at room temperature. Eating bland or boiled food will prevent mouth sores. Use of baking soda has shown to be beneficial to cleanse and avoid mouth sores.