COMPLETE Guide For Chemotherapy Effects and It's Treatment

CMF Chemotherapy

CMF chemotherapy is a kind of treatment that is used for treating breast cancer. This therapy is very much effective in giving a good result to a patient of breast cancer. Cyclophosphamide, Flurocil and methotrexate are the three important drugs which are helpful in this certain chemotherapy treatment to help a patient in recovering from this serious disease. A patient is required to check her blood on regular basis before the beginning of this treatment. The patient should also go for s medical check up in order to ensure that every thing is normal. The patient can take further treatment after proper medical check up.

A patient gets chemotherapeutic drugs in CMF chemotherapy that is transmitted through an elastic tube. A patient who suffers from breast cancer can be given anti sickness drug that can assist her in gaining strength. The pills and injection can be utilized in this method of treatment to provide anti sickness drugs. These drugs are enormously effective in stopping the reoccurrence of sickness. Most of the practitioners make use of word “regimen” for referring to this chemotherapy. Chemotherapy includes the whole treatment that can help a patient in recovering from the clutches of serious disease of cancer.

There are mainly four different kinds of schedules that are used in CMF chemotherapy. Cyclophosphamide pills are offered to patient in the begining of treatment and a patient is required to take these pills for 15 days on regular basis. The injection of Methotrexate is injected to the body of patient on that specific day. After the completion of the whole course of drug cyclophosphamide, the patient will be given a period of rest for a period of two weeks consecutively in order to assist the body of patient in managing the changes after consuming those strong medicines. This is the end of first stage of treatment of chemotherapy.

The next stage of treatment of CMF begins after the four weeks of one injection of Methotrexate. The 5FU, cyclophosphamide and methotrexate are put to use during second phase of treatment. All these drugs are very much effective in handling the problem of breast cancer. The patient is provided with a period of rest for two weeks after completion of treatment. The same medicines and drugs are given again after the completion of one dose of drugs during treatment. After going a repose period of three weeks the patient will undergo one more phase and after that the whole circle of treatment of CMF chemotherapy will end. The treatment can continue for a period of three months.

The ill effects of treatment are the dark side of CMF chemotherapy as it is not fully free from side-effects. The seriousness of side effects varies from person to person. Anemia is the popular side effect of this treatment. A person can experience tiredness due to this disease. Nausea and vomiting are two immediate side effects of this chemotherapy. Sickness is also an ill effect of this therapy.