COMPLETE Guide For Chemotherapy Effects and It's Treatment

Combination Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy involves many medications which will work towards treatment of cancer. The chemotherapy has a motive of killing the cancer cells. However, with cancer cells healthy cells may also get damaged.

The chemotherapy drugs that get into the body do not recognize as to which cells are healthy and which cells are unhealthy. And taking this into consideration you must understand that there will be very severe side effects which you may have to face. There are different drugs used in chemotherapy. And when there are multiple drugs used in treatment of cancer it is termed as combination chemotherapy.

You must talk about every detail to the doctor. If you have any health ailments, problems, allergies etc. you must inform the one who is taking up chemotherapy for liver cancer. You will also have to discus about the treatment options that are available. All this will help you in dealing with the stress that will come along with chemotherapy. Since there are many options you will get as far as chemotherapy drugs are concerned you must feel free to talk to the doctor in this regards.

But it is vital that the drugs that are chosen for chemotherapy are chosen keeping in mind the allergies and problems that one has. Doctors must tell the patients everything aboutthe drugs they are using and the probable side effects that they may have to face.

As the new effective drugs were also invented, the premature success of combination chemotherapy to fight against cancer raised hopes of the probabilities to find out successful cures for all forms of the disease of cancer. All these highly raised hopes caused an overdrive in the pharmaceutical industry to invent, develop and produce the medicines in mass. The phenomenal drug overdrive provided a way to accurately apply previously dangerous doses of medicines for combination chemotherapy. In addition, in the same period, invention of bone marrow transplantation provided further relief for the cancer physicians and patients. Yet, the efficiency of bone marrow transplantation therapy was highly restricted with Hodgkin’s disease.

Cancer is a deadly disease for which a variety of treatments are available. One of the very important cures of cancer is chemotherapy. Chemotherapy originated in 1940 as chemical weapon agent nitrogen mustard was analyzed with its applications. The combination chemotherapy was evolved as a result of developments that the field of cure for cancer faced. The process of combination chemotherapy is very sophisticated, yet, it includes all the drawbacks and principles of the original chemotherapies.

The originators of the idea of combination chemotherapy also suggested the probabilities of development of resistance in the cancer affected cells in human body against the curing action of chemotherapy. Thus, by using a combination of medicines, the physicians and surgeons will find better way to treat cancer patient. They tried to exemplify their theoretical idea by working with four different combined drugs that was termed as POMP regimen for the children who are suffering with acute diseases such as ALL (full form is acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.