COMPLETE Guide For Chemotherapy Effects and It's Treatment

Cost of Chemotherapy

Cancer and treatments for cancer are really expensive when the treatment is prolonged and also involves chemotherapy. Statistic reports show that due to the expense of chemotherapy many people do not get themselves treated for cancer.

A survey showed that people suffering from cancer and surviving from cancer related problems were more complex than any other disease related problems. The cost of the treatment was believed to be the major reason for all the patients.

There are only a few chemotherapy drugs that one can afford as they are relatively reasonably priced like the leucovorin and 5-FU. The more advanced and latest cancer preventing drugs are very expensive. It has been seen that the use of levcovorin or for that matter even 5-FU for treating cancer for a span of 8-10 weeks costs you anything between $100 to $300 and incase if other anti-cancer drugs like oxaliplatin if administered than the cost would definitely increase to around 10,000$. At the same time there are other more effective and expensive drugs like cetuximab or bevacizumzb would cost 3to 4 times more expensive than irinotecan and oxaliplatin.

Even after the administration of such expensive drugs to treat cancer the survival rates are comparatively low the use of these drugs becomes a major problem to all i.e. not only to the patient but also to his or her near and dear ones as well as the society. The patients and the family members are not able to meet the expenses so skip treatment.

As the cost of the treatment is very high patients especially suffering from colon cancer have to face a lot of hardship. This followed by the legal procedures like the approval of their health claim policies and reimbursing the money by insurance companies all cost them a lot.

If at all you find that chemotherapy treatment is high you can always verify with other pharmaceutical companies which may help you out. There are several committee programs that offer you free treatments also. You can always make the best use of the help and support rendered to you by these committees.

Treating malignant cancer has always been termed as expensive. The overall expenditure to treat cancer starting with chemotherapy, administration of anti-cancer drugs for a period of about a month to a month and a half has been roughly estimated to be around$300-$5000. The cost of per dose for an outpatient comes up to around $153 approximately.

Looking at all these statistic reports for the treatment of cancer and cancer related problems there are very few who could afford these expensive treatments. The government needs to look into these aspects and help people come forward to get themselves treated for cancer and cancer related problems by bringing about a cut down in the cost of chemotherapy and other modes of treatments for cancer. The government also needs to bring in awareness by conducting cancer detection camps wherein people can take advantage and get themselves checked for various types of cancers. Detecting cancer in the early stages prevents the high cost medical treatments later.