COMPLETE Guide For Chemotherapy Effects and It's Treatment

Dose Dense Chemotherapy

The chances of survival of a person who suffers from the disease of breast cancer increase if she goes through a Dose Dense Chemotherapy. This treatment is superior to the traditional one. The researchers have carried on various kinds of researches in this field and the doctors have concluded that the process reduction of time gap between two regular doses can help in increasing the probability of survival of women who suffer from disease of breast cancer. This therapy is mainly beneficial for women whose disease of cancer has extended almost up to lymph nodes.

The research work has also suggested that if the two sessions of chemotherapy are carried on at less time gap, the women can get few benefits. The process of managing two new drugs after small interval of time is usually referred as Dose Dense Chemotherapy. It assists in enhancing the chances of survival of concerned women to a great extent. By undergoing this therapy, the patient of breast cancer can also avoid the problems related to conventional chemotherapy.

Dose Dense Chemotherapy is far more effective than traditional therapy and this conclusion has been drawn after a systematic study of aftermaths of both kinds of chemotherapies. The chances of survival of patient after dose dense therapy are 82% while on the other hand these are just 75% in case of traditional chemotherapy. The medicines which are put to use are far more focused on the way towards treating the patients against cancerous cells. The supplementary researches have proved that there are increased chances of cure of a woman who has undergone dose dense chemotherapy.

It has been observed that the number of cells of white blood reduces after few sessions of chemotherapy. The patient is given filgrastim to prevent the process of reduction in white blood corpuscles during the treatment of Dose Dense Chemotherapy. This medicine assists in structuring white blood corpuscles in body. The rate of therapy is enhanced to protect white blood corpuscles if filgrastin is not available during treatment.

After the treatment of Dose Dense Therapy, the general rate of endurance increases apart from increased chances of survival for extended phase without the ailment. This conclusion has been drawn after studying the outcomes of different studies related to it. The ill effects of this treatment are also fewer than traditional method of treatment. The patients can spend a quality life after this treatment. The patient may suffer from minor side effects only.

The consequences of Dose Dense Chemotherapy have boosted the morale of doctors to give several suggestions that may assist in recovering the overall lifestyle of patients suffering from cancer. They are making efforts to create some new and secure drugs to increase the overall life expectancy of the people who are patients of breast cancer. The new drugs will be having fewer side effects. The new drugs will also be having better quality to improve the chances of survival of the patients of cancer. A patient can spend a confident after going through Dose dense Chemotherapy.