COMPLETE Guide For Chemotherapy Effects and It's Treatment

Epoch chemotherapy

It is a known fact that chemotherapy is a good option where the cancer has already advanced and when there is risk of life and survival. Have you heard about Epoch chemotherapy? This is the treatment that used in complicated cancers. Sometimes other health conditions make the tumor worsened. At such time this option of chemotherapy treatment comes into picture. In this epoch chemotherapy there is treatment using mixture of different toxic drugs. The drugs involved in this treatment are Etoposide, doxorubicin, cincristine, and so on.

This chemotherapy works by making the size of the tumor small. And then finally, it can be removed using surgery. In some cases, there won’t be even need for surgery when the tumor gets destroyed completely merely with epoch chemotherapy. The drugs that are to be used in epoch therapy mainly depend upon the type of cancer, its intensity and the location of the tumor. Sometimes in very sever cases surgery or manual removal is the only option left. Epoch chemotherapy is apt for later stages of cancer. If cancer is diagnosed early then there are many other options possible. In the initial stages drugs can be used which may not be toxic in nature. Usage of such toxic drugs are recommended when the doctors feel that no other remedy would work

It is seen that Non- Hodgkin lymphoma can be treated using epoch chemotherapy. This cancer affects directly the immunity of the patient and makes it very weak. Sometimes the patient’s natural defense system may also get disrupted. During this stage of life the patient may be come prone to various diseases and infections. And thus at such times, taking into consideration the patient’s condition the doctor takes the decision whether epoch chemotherapy is suitable to him or not. Epoch chemotherapy does not contribute in building the patient’s natural defense system. But epoch therapy is best or the patients who would want to postpone or negate surgery from the treatment plan.

Nausea, hair loss, appetite loss, weakness etc. are some of the side effects of epoch chemotherapy. These side effects are seen in other types of chemotherapy also. Thus, the patient must be mentally prepared and this should happen well in advance. The patient must not look forward to things in a negative manner. Rather he must be quite positive and if possible he may even take help of support group or counselors. This will help him build a positive attitude which is must during cancer treatments. If the quality of life is not that important and increasing the survival is the major consideration then the patients must consider chemotherapy as the only option, specifically in the later stages of cancers. Weigh the risks and benefits and then take the decision as to whether you want o face the toxic drugs as associated in chemotherapy or you want to take other options as indicated by the doctors. You may also involve your family members and friends in this decision. This will give you better support.