COMPLETE Guide For Chemotherapy Effects and It's Treatment

Cancer Fighting Nutrients: Containing Food

Certain fruits and vegetables are known to help fight against cancer and mentioned below are some of these anti-cancer nutrients which play an important role to help keep your body fit and healthy.

Avocados: These are known to contain glutathione which are antioxidants and these prevent the fat absorption in the body as they are a rich source of potassium and beta-carotene which are known to help prevent certain cancers.

Broccoli, Cabbage and Cauliflower: these leafy vegetables are a rich source of nutrients, minerals and vitamins are known to prevent cancer. These are high in sulforphane which help fight against rectal as well as colon cancer, helps deactivate the carcinogens thus preventing the growth of tumor.

Carrots: known for their beta-carotene they are known to greatly help reduce cancers of the mouth, lungs, stomach, throat etc. Apart from this they also contain falcarinol which also helps slow down the growth of cancerous cells in the body.

Chili peppers and Jalapenos: Belonging to the family of capsicum they contain a chemical capsaicin which neutralizes the carcinogen level in the body.

Flax: An Omega-3 fatty acid this helps prevent colon cancer.

Figs: A rich source of Vitamin A, C, potassium, calcium, magnesium this helps you lose weight by controlling your appetite. Figs are known to control obesity thus preventing cancer due to obesity.

Garlic: A booster for your immunity system this is beneficial for the overall well being of your body and helps not only fight cancer.

Grapes: A rich source of bioflavonoid these are antioxidants that are known to prevent various types of cancer and as they also contain resveratrol they help stop the stimulation of cancer growing cells that which could further lead to the growth of tumor.

Citrus Fruits: They contain monterpenes which help remove the carcinogens in the body and prevent cancer.

Mushrooms: Various kinds of mushrooms are known to help prevent cancer as they help boost your immune system. Mushrooms like shiitake, reship etc contain polysaccharides and lectin which boost the immune system and fight against cancer.

Kale: A nitrogenous compound this green leafy vegetable is known to prevent the growth of cancer cells in certain sensitive estrogen tissues. Isothiocyantes and phytochemicals help stop the growth of tumors and are known to block carcinogens.

Papayas: contains vitamin C and helps reduce the absorption of carcinogens.

Raspberries: contain anthocyanins an antioxidant which helps protect the body against cancer.

Red Wine: Non-alcoholic beverage it is a good cancer fighting agent. This wine contains certain polyphenols and resvertol is also present in this wine which protects you against cancer.

Soy Products: Help suppress cancers of the breast and the prostate. They contain isoflavones which prevent the growth as well as the spreading of cancer.

Sweet Potatoes: known to fight cancer due to its high content of beta-carotene.

Tea: Good source of polyphenols it prevents various kinds of cancer.

Tomatoes:  Lycopene and Vitamin C are the antioxidant is found which helps stop the flow of free radicals thus preventing cancer.

Turmeric is an herbal spice which prevents colon cancer.

Pumpkin: Has the highest content of beta carotene and is helpful in fighting cancer.