COMPLETE Guide For Chemotherapy Effects and It's Treatment

First Line Chemotherapy

Standard chemotherapy is also referred to as first line chemotherapy. In this mode of treatment the most effective and efficient drugs are used to treat various types of cancers. One of the most widely and successful used mode of treating cancer, in this mode of treatment there are several types of drugs as each type of cancer needs to be treated differently and chemotherapy is not administered to all those who are detected with cancer.

In this mode of treatment not only the cancerous cells are destroyed but also those healthy cells that surround these cancerous cells are destroyed apart from these red blood cells, hair follicles, white blood cells and platelets are also destroyed. There are certain side effects that are common to all cancer patients so some of the side effects are temporary which go away after the completion of the treatment cycle while there are certain side effects that cause permanent damage to some of the vital body organs.

The severity of the side effects depends upon a number of other factors like the type of chemotherapy drug used, type of cancer, stage of cancer and the overall physical health of the patient. It has therefore been found that administering first line chemotherapy is effective in treating cancers detected in early stages. It has also been noticed that chemotherapy may not be effective if cancer is detected at a later stage apart from this cancers which spread rapidly and even if detected at an early stage shows failure to respond the chemotherapy treatment.

First line chemotherapy has shown a longer survival rate amongst cancer patients as in this mode of treatment the cancerous cells are completely destroyed even before more cell division takes place. Though first line chemotherapy is effective in certain cases the need of stronger and high powered chemotherapy drugs need to be used.

The spread of cancer, the type of cancer and the signs and symptoms of cancer varies from person to person and so does the mode of treatment; dosage etc. vary from person to person. Not all first line chemotherapy treatment is beneficial. In certain types of cancers there is always a chance of relapse.

In case of being detected with cancer it is always better to take a second opinion from another oncologist as this will ascertain if the diagnosis is proper regarding the type of cancer, the stage and spread of cancer and also the mode of treatment and the side effects related to this mode of treatment.

First line chemotherapy drugs that are used to treat various cancers and to treat CD20-positive B-cell Rituxan are used, apart from this taxol. Platinol. Adraiamycin, alkeran and rubex are also used to treat ovarian cancer while drugs like alitma/cisplatin is used to for the treatment of mesothelioma and in this type of cancer the lining of the lungs are destroyed due to cancer growth.

It is better to have a thorough knowledge about the type of cancer you are suffering from, the mode of treatment, the side effects related to this mode of treatment, the dosage required, the diet that you need to follow etc. before you get yourself treated for cancer.