COMPLETE Guide For Chemotherapy Effects and It's Treatment

How to Prepare for Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is a mode of treatment to treat various kinds of cancers including breast cancer and lung cancer. These drugs are toxic by nature and are known to destroy the cancerous cells in the body or sometimes these drugs help to slow down the rapid growth of these cells.

Chemotherapy is the best mode of treatment for treating cancer patients; there are side effects that are associated with this treatment. Firstly, these drugs are known to harm the healthy cells and other side effects associated with chemotherapy are vomiting, hair loss, nausea etc. Chemotherapy is known to not only stress out the body but is also known to tax the mind. You need to prepare yourself fully for chemotherapy so that you can take to chemotherapy with a lot of change in the body.

You need to take certain things into consideration before you go in for chemotherapy:

  • Do not diet and eat right as this is the first thing that you need to know. Nutritious diet will help you to keep your body not only fit but also working. You need to plan a healthy diet so that you include all the necessary vitamins, fresh fruits, dairy products, vegetables and a moderate amount of meat etc.
  • You also need to gear yourself up by including food rich in high calorie, high protein food fibre, milk, cheese, cream, eggs etc. You also need to intake food that is cooked in oil, butter or margarine. It so happens that during the initial stages of chemotherapy you may lose your appetite it is then when these high calorie energy reserves come to rescue. You also need to consult a good dietician, your medical team and the doctors who are going to be a part of your medical team before you start off with your treatment cycle.
  • You also need to learn to deal with these anti-cancer drugs as these drugs are known to bring about mental and physical stress. You need to get a thorough insight about cancer and the mode of treatment along with the side effects that are associated with this mode of treatment. With all these first hand information you can survive cancer without stress and strain.
  • Getting enough sleep is yet another requirement before you go in for chemotherapy treatment as you will not be in a position to cope up with this during chemotherapy. It leads to stress as there is a constant pressure both mentally as well as physically and the need to seek council ling and finding other mode of treating this mental stress like yoga, meditation etc will help you get over this crisis of cancer treatment.
  • Chemotherapy as you know affects the mouth and tooth. The body being weak with the constant bombardment of these highly toxic drugs will increase the problem, therefore it becomes of utmost importance that you need to consult your dentist before any harm is done to your mouth. Keeping a routine follow up with your dentist during chemotherapy will help you go this treatment cycle with a lot of mental stability.
  • Hair loss is yet another complaint that is faced by all during chemotherapy. These hairs grow back after the completion of the cycle. You need have a short hair cut so that even your hair loss does not look prominent and wigs can be used as good substitute.