Know about AC chemotherapy
AC chemotherapy is perhaps the most popularly recommended combination of drug for the women who suffer from disease of node negative cancer. It is the kind of Breast Cancer in which the cancerous cells has not put an affect on the lymph nodes. The doctors have administered to enhance the knowledge related to breast cancer with the development of this kind of chemotherapy.
Drugs Utilized for AC chemotherapy
The drugs that are utilized in treatment of AC chemotherapy involve Cytoxan (cyclophosphamide) and Adriamycin (doxorubicin). The drug of adriamycin is in the form of injection and is normally provided to a patient by means of drip. The cyclophosphamide is provided to patient through injection or through a drip.
Method of Performing AC chemotherapy treatment
Breast cancer is a Problem from which women remain frightened most of time due to their misconception regarding it. AC chemotherapy has evolved as a benefit for the women who suffer from the problem of breast cancer. The patient who takes the treatment of AC chemotherapy can be cured like a day patient. The blood of the patient is tested either on the very day of treatment or some days before the treatment.
If the outcomes of blood tests appear normal, the doctors will perform the treatment of AC chemotherapy in such type of situation. The nurse will use a flexible and sleak tube, a cannula into the layer of hand or arm of patient. There are some patients who take the treatment of chemotherapy by means of thin tube which is made of plastic and which is put either in the layer around collarbone or under the skin.
The AC chemotherapy medicines are provided to the patient in the form of injection by means of a drip of salty water into the cannula. Both cyclophosphamide and doxorubicin drugs are provided in the same manner. The whole process normally consumes the time of one hour. The doctors usually offer anti sickness drug to patient. These drugs usually assist in stopping the ill effects that may take place due to treatment. The patient should take these anti-sickness drugs as recommended by doctor so that side effects may not happen.
Frequency of treatment of AC chemotherapy
The doctor makes a fix and suitable regime for treating the patient for AC chemotherapy. The doctor may provide the drugs such as cyclophosphamide and doxorubicin to the patient on the very first day. After this session, the patient will be provided a period of rest. After this the patient will not be provided with next step of treatment for next 3 months. This is the cycle of treatment which is followed by doctor. The same drugs are offered to patient in next step and it will also be followed by a period of rest. This is the next step of treatment. The patient is normally provided a period of 4-6 cycles of treatment of chemotherapy. The whole treatment can be completed in 3-4 months.
Possible Side Defects of treatment of AC Chemotherapy
A patient of Breast Cancer who undergoes a treatment of AC chemotherapy can suffer from the problems like high temperature. The other side effect of this particular treatment is bleeding and brusing. Anemia can be one more side defect of this treatment. This treatment may also cause nausea and vomiting among several people. Some other side defects are diarrhea, hair loss, fatigue, changes in skin and nales, mouth ulcers etc.