COMPLETE Guide For Chemotherapy Effects and It's Treatment

Ovarian Cancer Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy for ovarian cancer

Commonly found cancer in women is cancer of the ovaries. Chemotherapy is the best mode of treatment. Treatment involves use of drugs that are injected into the blood through the veins. Chemotherapy follows after surgery. In case of regression chemotherapy is also used. Inserting cancer drugs into the body through the veins is known as intravenous injection. This treatment usually has six cycles but then in some cases there are twelve cycles also.

Drugs used to treat ovarian cancer: In case of early detection paclitaxel and carboplatin is used. Usually used after surgery. Many tests have been conducted to find the most effective mode of treatment which prevents the growth of cancer cells thus allowing the cells to shrink. Drugs of platinum like cisplatin and carboplatin which when are combined with the drugs that are used for chemotherapy has shown to give better effects and increase the life span of the patient.

Besides these there are several other drugs that are more advanced and modern that is now available to treat ovarian cancer which are recommended by the doctors to be used after surgery.

The main aim of treating ovarian cancer chemotherapy is to control the growth of tumors, help relieve the patient from the symptoms and also to destroy those cancerous cells that are still remaining in the body even after undergoing surgery. Treatment can be through oral medication or even intravenous. Yet another mode of treating ovarian cancer is to put the drug is directly into the abdomen with the help of catheter. This method of treating ovarian cancer is known as intraperitioneal chemotherapy and most of the drug has been found to remain in the abdomen itself.

As in all modes of treatments there are some distinct side effects found here. The gravity of the side effects depends upon how much drug was administered during treatment. Certain common side effects that has been found in patients suffering from ovarian cancer are: a] feeling of nausea and vomiting, it has also been found that due to chemotherapy the patient looses his or her appetite, diarrhea is yet another common symptom, fatigue is yet another side effect of chemotherapy. Many ovarian cancer patients have complained about numbness, headaches. Hair loss and darkening of the finger nails and the skin are yet other common side effects that are seen after chemotherapy.

It has also been found that certain drugs that are administered to prevent the spread of cancer have also resulted in the loss of hearing and damage to the kidneys. A word of caution is that you need to be careful so as to protect your kidneys. Some side effects are only for a temporary and after the treatment you can regain your lost strength and vitality, but then are of more serious side and can damage the body organs on more permanent bases. Herbal and dietary supplements help reduce the side effects of these drugs. The earlier the ovarian cancer is detected the better are the chances of recovering from this fatal disease.