Pancreatic Cancer - Diagnosis and Treatment
The fourth most common kind of cancer that is found around the globe is cancer of the pancreas and stands 5th in the death rate for women diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Development of pancreatic cancer is not known though it has been noticed that habitual smokers are at a greater risk of developing pancreatic cancer than those who do not smoke. Though drinking coffee is often related to the development of pancreatic cancer but then there are no such hard standing facts or findings that pancreatic cancer can be associated with drinking of coffee.
How is the diagnosis made for pancreatic cancer?
Diagnosis is made rather too late and at a stage when the chances of curing pancreatic cancer are rather too late or remotely successful. In some cases even when pancreatic cancers are detected it is not curable. In some cases pancreatic cancer has shown to have spread to the bile duct causing jaundice. In case of obstructive jaundice a hollow plastic tube or stent is inserted in such a manner that it is placed in between the external reservoir bad and the bile duct. This helps the free passage of the bile juice from the liver thus preventing the accumulation of the bile juice in the blood stream further preventing jaundice.
What is the mode of treatment?
Depending upon the spread of the diseases, age, gender etc the mode of treatment differs. Most of the time chemotherapy along with radiation therapy has been administered only for certain palliative reasons. The life span of the person suffering from pancreatic cancer also varies but then it has been found that in most cases the lifespan is less than a few years and the life span can go up to five years. Cure for pancreatic cancer so far has not been successful as the mode of treatment gives you temporary relief and getting completely cured after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer is a rare phenomenon.
What is the best way to avoid the risk of developing pancreatic cancer?
The reason for developing cancer to date has not been found, but then there are certain risk factors which if avoided helps prevent the development of cancers. Habitual smokers are at a higher risk of developing pancreatic cancer. Those who are in a habit of taking more than two drinks on a daily bases are also at a risk of developing pancreatic cancer. Apart from this lifestyle plays an important role. Obesity is also one reason for the development of pancreatic cancer.
How does one prevent the development of pancreatic cancer?
Pancreatic cancer can be prevented if you bring about a few changes in your lifestyle and follow a highly nutritious diet taking care of avoiding certain food stuffs that can lead to the development of pancreatic cancer. Quit smoking and also reduce your consumption of alcohol. Having a healthy body with a strong immune system will go a long way to help you prevent the growth of cancer in any part of the body. You also need to exercise regularly and avoid living a sedentary lifestyle.