COMPLETE Guide For Chemotherapy Effects and It's Treatment

Post Chemotherapy Side Effects

Chemotherapy is a mode of treating various types of cancers. In this mode of treatment there is one or more than one chemical drug that is administered to destroy those cancerous cell growths. The side-effects are both temporary as well as some are permanent. Most of the side effects that are associated with chemotherapy are temporary and tend to disappear after the completion of treatment cycle. Post chemo-treatment the side effects vary from each individual to individual though you need to take complete care and check over the signs and symptoms of these side effects.

It has been found that most of the people find themselves getting easily tired and fatigued after the chemo-treatment and this is due to the overdose of the cancer medication or chemo-drugs. You lose your resistance power thus your body is immune to diseases and other infections. This is seen more in patients who have undergone stem cell transplant or bone marrow transplant. You may take a few weeks or a few months before you can lead a normal life without the fear of getting yourself easily infected.

Chemotherapy drugs are known to hamper the working of certain body organs and one of them is it can lead to infertility and this can be a serious problem. Apart from this it can lead to a permanent damage of certain vital organs of the body like the lungs and the heart. As these are some of the more permanent side effects due to chemotherapy you are kept under constant observation and a number of tests are carried out on regular bases so that a check can be kept on your body functions.

Chemotherapy is not administered in case you are suffering from any heart ailments. The tests that are carried out post treatment goes on for several years after the completion of the treatment cycle so as to prevent any damage to the vital organs of the body.

Certain side effects can also lead to long term relapse of cancer and this relapse of cancer is often referred to as second cancer. This relapse is associated with only a few chemotherapy drugs.

A one to one talk with your doctor before you start off with the chemotherapy will bring about the awareness of the possible temporary as well permanent side effects that are often associated with chemotherapy mode of treatment. Though not all drugs can lead to relapse of cancer but then it is always to be on the safer side to know about the side effects of these highly powerful cancer drugs.

All chemotherapy drugs have their own side effects depending upon the part of the body that has been affected by cancer. The most worrying part of chemotherapy is not of the temporary side effects as much as the permanent side effects of this mode of treatment.

There are number of websites which gives detailed information on the various side effects and certain precautionary methods to minimize the effects of these chemotherapy drugs as well as their long term side effects.