COMPLETE Guide For Chemotherapy Effects and It's Treatment

Smoking and Alcohol relates to Cancer

Excessive alcohol and smoking leads to cancer especially so because it not only damages your respiratory system it also destroys your lungs too. In other words alcohol and smoking can lead to multiple cancers.

Cigarettes are known to contain more than sixty carcinogens and that the tar that is found in the cigarettes is known to block the lungs thus preventing the exit of the carcinogens from the body. Tobacco that is found in cigarettes is also harmful even if this is not inhaled. Chewing of tobacco and cigars are known to cause cancer of the mouth and the larynx. Quitting the habit of smoking and use of tobacco helps reduce your chances of developing cancer.

Even a passive smoker has the chances of developing cancer. Science and research has proved that those who are active smokers ratio of developing cancer of the lungs and larynx is almost at a ratio of one is to three. The best way to reduce this is to avoid smoking and those who are not into smoking avoid areas which are marked as smoker’s zone so as not to inhale the smoke and thus increasing the chances of developing cancer.

Alcohol also increases your chances of developing different types of cancers. This is purely based on the amount of alcohol consumption as if you consume a drink or two daily then the chances are less but alcohol consumption of more than the two drinks can lead to cancer and this again depends upon other factors like age, gender and body weight of the person drinking.

Obesity is linked not only for heart ailments but also for other ailments and one of them is the chances of your developing cancer as the hormonal level and the blood level increases the risk of your developing also increases.

Sunlight can also lead to cancer of the skin as over exposure to the sun without protection has shown an increase in the risk factor of skin cancer. Depending upon the body’s tolerance certain persons are more at a risk of developing cancer of the skin. Examples of blonds and red heads have shown to be more likely to develop cancer than others but then this not guarantee that you will not develop cancer. All you need to do is use suitable gears to cover your body when moving out in the sun and use a sunscreen that will protect you from the UV rays.

There are some of the main reasons for developing cancer but then it does not mean that those who take care will not develop cancer. It only helps reduce your chances of developing cancer if you take care of your health and follow the above mentioned risk factors with precaution.

You also need to bring about a change in your lifestyle so that you can lead a tension free life taking care of yourself by following up on a nutritious diet and a regular regime of exercise. You also need to add certain fruits and vegetables that are known to help you fight against cancer as well as from developing cancer thus lowering your risk to almost a minimal.

Another point that should be made about the causes of cancer is that there have been some things that have been identified as cancer fighters. Mostly, this includes certain foods that have been proven to help the body fight off cancer. Between lowering risk factors and including cancer fighters in your lifestyle and diet you have a great chance of protecting yourself against cancer.