COMPLETE Guide For Chemotherapy Effects and It's Treatment

Systemic Chemotherapy

Systemic chemotherapy is often referred to as the perfect mode of treatment for treating various types of cancers.

Why is it the perfect mode of treatment?

In this mode of chemotherapy the drugs are injected into the body or sometimes given orally to fight against some of the most dangerous or lethal types of cancers. In systemic chemotherapy the mode of treatment helps reduce pain while treating different types of cancers if it has been detected in the initial stages and can be prevented from spreading efficiently.

Chemotherapy drugs are known to reach each and every part of the body thus preventing the spread of the disease. Chemotherapy is the most efficient mode of treating various types of cancers but then radiation therapy along with chemotherapy has shown a faster recovery than the use of only chemotherapy.

These chemotherapy drugs are known to fight different types of cancers but then there are certain chemotherapy drugs which are known as specific type cancer drugs which fight against only a particular types of cancer and attack specific cell structure thus helping destroy only those cells that are affected by cancer. Here the use of combination drug therapy has shown more effectiveness.

Patients need to undergo systemic chemotherapy in the presence of the doctor as the treatment cycle depends upon the stage and type of cancer.  Systemic chemotherapy is known to destroy those cancerous cells and also prevent the growth of these cancerous cells and also help to shrink the cancerous tumor in the body. Though in this mode of treatment the results are extremely good but then the side effects due to this treatment weakens the body's immune system. Higher the dosage of chemotherapy medication the severe is the side effect that is caused.

What are the side effects associated with Systemic Chemotherapy?

In this mode of treatment the medication attacks the cancerous cells thus preventing the rapid spread of these cells in the body. More than one drug is used in this mode of treatment and these drugs not only destroy the cancerous cells but also destroy those healthy cells that surround these cancerous cells.

The side effects that is associated with chemotherapy is nausea, vomiting, loss of hair, loss of appetite, bleeding, anemia, mouth sores etc., these side effects are temporary and end with the completion of the treatment cycle but then there are some more permanent side effects which are known to hamper the proper functioning of the internal body organs.

In systematic chemotherapy the treatment is administered in various cycles and it begins with chemotherapeutic drugs and the rest of the drugs are administered after a gap of few days and sometimes few weeks depending upon the stage and type of cancer. This not only helps the patient to easily accept the dose of medication, it also helps the patient to deal with all the changes that takes place in the body.

There are certain drugs which are administered to the patient to help overcome some of the temporary side effects so that it will lead to lesser complications and help speedup up the recovery period during and after the completion of the treatment cycle.