Taxotere Chemotherapy
Taxotere Chemotherapy is administered into the veins of patient. The total duration of this treatment is one hour and the therapy is offered after interval of three weeks at every step. But on some occasions the decision of administering the dose to the patient is taken by doctor. The doctor recommends a dose of dexamethasone before the start of treatment. This assists in reducing the side effects of this chemotherapy.
The doctor recommends certain amount of dose for the patient and the patient should be given only that much amount of dose. Taxotere Chemotherapy is helpful for treating the patients against disease of breast cancer, prostrate cancer or stomach cancer. Sometimes the patients of bladder cancer and ovarian cancer are also treated by this therapy. This therapy can not be done through pill. This therapy is administered into the veins of patient. The dosage of patient is based on his or her body texture.
Although there are several ill effects of Taxotere Chemotherapy but most of the patient’s don’t experience them. One beneficial thing about this therapy is that their duration is known. Most of the side effects of therapy disappear after the completion of therapy. The side effects of therapy can be decreased or stopped with suitable care. The side defects of this therapy depend upon the amount of its dosage.
The cells of cancer are uncontrolled. They grow at very fast rate and their growth is faster than the normal cells. The growth of normal cells halts while they come in contact with cancerous cells. The Taxotere Chemotherapy assists in destroying the cancerous cells and thus helps in proper growth of healthy cells. This is probable as the cells destroy when they are not able to divide.
The patient has to take several precautions before receiving a dose of Taxotere Chemotherapy. The doctor should possess information about all the treatment that the patient is going through. Aspirin should be consumed with the permission of doctor only. No vaccination should be done without the permission of doctor. This therapy can not be provided to a pregnant woman as this drug can harm the fetus. One should use contraception while going through treatment to prevent the chances of getting pregnant.
The patient that has taken the treatment of Taxotere Chemotherapy has great chances of catching any infection as the patient becomes sensitive to infection. The patient should try to avoid going out in crowded places and patient should contact the doctor immediately if he or she feels uncomfortable. The patient should wash hands immediately after coming home. One should take care of mouth ulcers after the therapy. The patient should wear proper clothes and apply sunscreen on naked parts of body before going out in sun.
The patient should try to follow all the instructions and guidelines of doctor to avoid side effects. One should try to choose a qualified doctor or nurse for taking Taxotere Chemotherapy so that one can have a successful treatment against cancer to enjoy a healthy and comfortable life.