Topical Chemotherapy
Topical Chemotherapy is a kind of therapy which is helpful in preventing the growth of cells o cancer. The growth of cancerous cells takes place like growth of any other simple cell. With the assistance of chemotherapy, the cells of cancer are either destroyed or their further growth is stopped. Topical chemotherapy is that chemotherapy in which the treatment is provided by application of chemicals to skin of patient. This method is normally helpful to cure the skin cancer. In fact this is the most beneficial method to treat the problem of skin cancer.
Skin cancer which is located on the upper part of skin is cured by administering topical chemotherapy. The diseases that the skin suffers due to direct expose to the sun for several years are also cured by using this therapy. The severity of the rays of sun is also the reason of skin cancer. Fluorouracil is helpful for treating skin cancer. The cream is smeared on the skin twice a day for sometime on regular basis. This assists in arresting the enhancement of disease to a very significant level.
The patient can apply the ointment directly after a little guidance. The cancerous cells which are situated in the upper part of skin are damaged with the help of topical chemotherapy. This therapy normally causes some ill effects. The patient may experience some irritation on the skin due to usage of ointment. The doctor should be informed immediately if any irritation persists. The patient may also be recommended to halt the medication for sometime.
The topical chemotherapy is diverse from all the other kinds of chemotherapy. This is sole therapy which can be performed by the patient. It includes the use of cream on the skin directly. In this way, only those cancerous cells are cured by this therapy which is available on the exterior of skin. The cells which have spread deeply within the skin and other portions of body which have remained untreated.
The side effects of conventional chemotherapy are far more complicated than topical chemotherapy. Its main reason is that the medicine of topical chemotherapy is used only on the upper part of skin. In this way the degree of drugs is less. The medicines of chemotherapy can create rashes on the skin. The drugs of this chemotherapy can make the skin far more responsive to sun. One should take the precaution to save the skin from getting affected by sun when the treatment gets completed.
There are many kinds of chemotherapy that has various kinds of side effects. Some of them are more serious than the other. In case of topical chemotherapy, the side effects are constrained to outer layer of skin. The side effects get over after the completion of treatment. Sometimes chemotherapy is used to treat those diseases which are not serious. The exposure of skin to sun can create the problem of skin cancer. Just see that you talk to your doctor before actually undertaking the chemotherapy so that you will understand about the side effects too.