COMPLETE Guide For Chemotherapy Effects and It's Treatment

TPF Chemotherapy

What is Chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy as you all know is used for the treatment of different kinds of cancer. Though there are various drugs used to treat cancer and eradicate it by completely stopping it or from slowing down the process of the growth of these cancerous cells from further spreading. It all depends upon the drug used as this disease has various modes of treatment depending upon the type of cancer.

What is the purpose of TPF Chemotherapy?

TPF chemotherapy is a kind of treatment used to treat cancers of the neck and head, and this drug or rather this mode of treatment has shown some very positive results. TPF chemotherapy is actually the combination of three main drugs i.e. cisplatin, docetaxel and fluorouracil (5-FU).

Research has shown that the combination of these three drugs have shown consistent improvement especially after taxanes has been added to the regular cytotoxic chemotherapy drugs like cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil. In case of tumours’ the uses of combination drugs have shown to be more effective than the use of any single drug used in the treatment.

Patients suffering from the cancer especially in the final stages i.e. the third and fourth stages of this cancer have shown symptoms of pain and loss of weight. The other mode of treatment used for neck and head cancer is that of chemo radiotherapy. As in other types of cancer the tumour us part is removed whereas in chemo radiotherapy the importance is given to the preservation of the body organ. In this mode of treatment neo-adjuvant chemotherapy method is used i.e. before chemo radiotherapy treatment is started the size of the cancerous part or tumour is shrunk thus increasing the chances of survival.

TPF treatment is not a onetime treatment it is a mode of treatment which a given with a definite time interval. Depending upon the stage of cancer the patient might need to go in for two or three cycles of treatment wherein there is a stop gap between each period or in other words there is a rest period between each cycles thus giving the patient sufficient time to recover from the side effects of chemotherapy. The patient is closely monitored for his or her response towards the treatment as well as the toxicities that are found in the body after each treatment.

Cancer as such makes the patient weak and dull but then the mode of treatment also leaves a mark on the patient as all the chemotherapy drugs have serious side effects as they are all toxic by nature. Chemotherapy not only helps destroy the cancerous cells or the tumour us cells but also destroys those normal cells found around the effected part. The other side effects seen due to chemotherapy which are of temporary nature is that the patients suffer from nausea, hair loss, fatigue, memory loss, vomiting, weight loss, loss of appetite and due to the week body resistance the body becomes susceptible to other diseases. And if you feel that you are suffering from any of the above symptoms than you need to fix an appointment with you medical representative at the earliest to get your problem solved and fixed.