COMPLETE Guide For Chemotherapy Effects and It's Treatment

Mythology about Treatment and Risk Factor

Cancer and cancer related myths have increased the risk factors more than actually being detected with cancer as most of these stories are misinterpreted and thus caused misunderstandings about cancer and the actual scientific results of cancer. Some of the risk factors regarding the development of cancer have been given larger than life proportions that it has caused more damage than anything else. Given below are some such blown up proportions for the development of cancer.

Cancer and cell phones - Myth states that studies have shown that a rare brain tumor has a link due to the use of cell phones which evidence showed a small decimal fraction to be connected to the use of cell phones. Yet another myth is that use of electronic gadgets also leads to the development of cancer which has been scientifically proved that cancer cannot be developed due to the use of these electronic gadgets.

Insecticides and Pesticides can cause cancer - This is another myth that using bug sprays to get rid of household pests as they are exposed to the spray chemicals that leads to cancer has yet to be proved. Pesticides sprayed on vegetables and fruits are yet another reason for the development of cancer and again here the exposure is too low to cause you any risk for developing cancer. Don’t avoid fruits and vegetables all that you need to do is wash them thoroughly before you use so that you don’t ingest chemicals.

Grilled meat leads to cancer - This myth is not completely baseless as there is some truth but not the greatly blown out proportion. The truth that lies here is the blackened grilled meat has posed the risk of developing cancer as the chemicals that are produced during the grilling process are known to contain carcinogens which can lead to cancer. Apart from grilling broiling as well as pan frying can also lead to cancer. Cooked meat is safe and does not lead to cancer.

Use of antiperspirant leads to cancer - Myth states that parabens, preservatives that are found in the antiperspirants can lead to breast cancer though this has been proved to be wrong.

Tampon causes cancer - This is a myth as it was stated that asbestos and other dioxins were found in tampons but FDA studies showed that tampons were safe and followed all the FDA regulations and that tampons do not contain asbestos.

Plastic containers-Microwave-Cancer - Studies have proved that carcinogenic substances are released when food kept in plastic containers are heated but then this is not true for those plastic containers that are make specially for microwave cooking.

Cancer caused due to the use of artificial sweeteners - An overly hyped and overly publicized report showed that cyclamates and saccharin the 2 artificial sweeteners were responsible for developing cancer in rats but then this has not been proved on humans, aspartame is another sweetener which has also been proved to be safe for use.

Injuries leads to cancer - Injuries like bruise do not lead to cancer and there are no links remotely that state that such small injuries can lead to cancer. Some severe injuries have shown to help develop cancer but then it is a rare chance that injuries lead to cancer.