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Vitamins and Minerals Protecting Against Cancer

Cancer and the cause of developing cancer are still surrounded with mystery. Today you can easily know some of the reasons for the development of cancer which might not have been possible a few decades back. Health and following a healthy diet goes a long way to prevent cancer and also lessens your chances of developing cancer.

Food plays and import role in reducing the risk factors where cancer is concerned. A healthy nutritional diet will not only keep your body fit and healthy but will also increase the immunity of your body thus helping it to resist it to fight against all infections viral or bacterial likewise.

A healthy diet with all the required vitamins, minerals and antioxidants with a little know how about what to eat and what not to eat and the right amount that should be consumed on a daily basis will help prevent cancer.

There are certain important vitamins and minerals that are known to protect your body against cancer. Mentioned below are some of these vitamins and minerals and other such food substances which have been used effectively to prevent cancer.

Antioxidants and what purposes do they serve?

Antioxidants are known to destroy those free radicals that are present in your body. These free radicals are known to cause damage to the cell structure and cell damage can lead to cancer thus making these antioxidants an important part of your body.

Beta-Carotene - This is an antioxidant and research has proved that an increase in the intake of this can have an adverse effect on the body and if consumed in a moderate level it helps prevent cancer.

Calcium - This plays a significant role as calcium level in the body should be maintained as if the level of calcium is low then you may be subjected to other bodily ailments like arthritis, joint pains and rheumatism. You need to take in a maximum of 1,200 mg of calcium supplements or foods that are rich in calcium like milk, cheese etc but an excess in the level of calcium can have an adverse effect thus leading to cancer or developing cancer.

Vitamin A - Is yet another antioxidants thus is known to help the body tissues healthy and prevent the risk of developing cancer either at an early stage of life or even at a later stage of life.

Vitamin C - The most important vitamin to boost your immune system and if your immune system is strong than it can fight against all bacterial or viral infections and can also prevent the development of cancer.

Vitamin D - This vitamin according to science and research has proved to be essential in preventing many types of cancer.

You need to eat food that has been recommended by the FDA and follow the food pyramid chart to lead a healthy and happy life without the fear of developing cancer and this is possible only if you take care and follow a healthy diet with a regular regime of exercise.