COMPLETE Guide For Chemotherapy Effects and It's Treatment

When to Start Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is an anti-cancer mode to eradicate various kinds of cancer. The chemotherapy drugs that are used help kill the cancerous cells in the body and also helps slow down the rapid growth of these cells.

Chemotherapy is the most effective mode of treatment to treat cancer but as the drugs that are used are highly toxic by nature there are side effects associated with these drugs. The side effects are not permanent and disappear after the completion of the treatment. The side effects are vomiting, hair loss, memory loss, fatigue etc. The tension of undergoing chemotherapy can be taxing to the mind as well as the body so you need to be fully prepared for this treatment so that it becomes easier for you to handle all the pain and side effects that are associated with this treatment.

You need to keep certain things in mind when you decide to undergo chemotherapy:

You need to follow a proper diet and it becomes of utmost importance that you need to keep yourself fit when you undergo chemotherapy. Follow a nutritious diet in order to keep yourself fit and working. You also need to see that your diet consists of all the required amount of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates etc.

If you are gearing yourself up for a chemotherapy treatment then you need to add food that is high on calories, proteins especially milk, cheese, eggs. During the initial stages of chemotherapy you might feel the loss of appetite and this is when the nutrient reserve helps you out through your treatment.

Ways to manage stress:

Chemotherapy is known to increase the stress and strain on the body as well as the mind as you will have to undergo lots of physical strain. You need to gather all the information regarding chemotherapy, the effects, the side effects etc before you go in for the treatment thus saving you from lots of stress. You also need to discuss about your problem and the treatment with your doctor and the entire medical team to gain as much information regarding your cancer and the effectiveness of the treatment.

Rest, relaxation and sleep:

These three most important things are required before you go in for treatment. If you have taken proper care of all these three you will be in a better position to cope up with all the stress and strain that goes along with chemotherapy treatment. In case you have any problems regarding sleep you can always talk with your doctor or counsellor and take appropriate steps to help you achieve all the three i.e. rest relaxation and sleep.

Chemotherapy and dental health:

Chemotherapy is known to cause bleeding of the gums and other dental related problems like tooth infection etc. It becomes necessary to get your dental problems solved immediately. Yet another thing that you need to be prepared is that due to chemotherapy you are bound to have hair fall so taking undue tensions will not help.

Even though hair loss is associated with chemotherapy the hairs grow back after the completion of the treatment cycle so until then the use of wig is the best option or get a short hair cut so that it will make up for the wig that you use.